Sector Experience
Our extensive consulting experience includes the following sectors:
Primary industry | Land development | Local government | Hydroelectric power generation | Government & non-government organisations | Mining & quarrying

Primary Industry
We design and implement environmental monitoring and impact assessments across New Zealand’s key primary industries.
Our priority is to achieve the best results for consent holders by ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met.
Clients include: Miraka Dairy, Fonterra, Alliance Group, Norske Skog, Open Country Dairy and Waitoa Industrial Estate Ltd
Land Development
In the last five years alone, we’ve completed over 60 land development projects, working with landowners, planners, engineers, construction teams, and councils.
We carry out surveys to identify the ecological opportunities and constraints of the site, undertake flora, fauna, watercourse and wetland surveys, determine environmental compensation requirements, and design habitat restoration and monitoring programmes.
We regularly monitor restoration planting and carry out fish surveys and fish relocations to comply with resource consent conditions.

Local Government
With expertise in the evaluation of discharge and water take effects and developing solutions to manage them, we have worked on water supply, wastewater and stormwater projects across New Zealand.
We provide councils with advice on fish passage within their waterways and carry out fish surveys to monitor the success of techniques used to improve fish passage.
Hydroelectric Power Generation
Our team has worked on everything from small-scale hydro schemes to leading the environmental monitoring and assessment for many of Trustpower Ltd’s hydroelectric power stations.
Other projects have included reconsenting the Roxburgh and Clyde Dams for Contact Energy, compliance monitoring and technical assessments for Genesis Energy and Trustpower, and technical reviews of Project AQUA and Trustpower’s Wairau River hydro-electric scheme.

Government and Non Government Organisations
We have worked with the Department of Conservation (DOC) on a range of projects nationwide.
These have included a review of council riverworks activities, advising on global consents and collaborating on a NZ native freshwater fish habitat restoration toolbox.
Mining and Quarrying
Conducting baseline environmental assessments, effects assessments, and environmental monitoring, we have worked with different types of mines both in New Zealand and internationally.
Companies have included: Puke Coal, Pike River Coal, Oceana Gold, Couer Gold, Newmont Waihi Gold, Roa Mining, Francis Mining and Winstone Aggregates, Newcrest Mining in Fiji and Sumitomo Metal Mining Company in the Solomon Islands.